A very belated birthday party.

A few weeks ago we had the privilege of making a young mans dream come true in his own back garden. Let me explain. This party was held for J’s 25th birthday but has been in the planning for around five years. For his 21st birthday, J was due to have a birthday party in the grounds of his family home. Unfortunately covid came along and ruined all his plans.

Fast forward to September 2024 and J’s dreams came true. Along came Rudd Marquees and set up a beautiful tent on the lawn beside the house. J was very excited about this and really enjoyed watching the family put the marquee up.

The day before the party myself and Ryan arrived to set up the kitchen, lay the tables and stock the bar. The day before, J had made lots of wonderful, helpful and funny signs to hang around the marquee. These included lists of do’s and don’ts, restricted area signs to the kitchen and buffet and bar signs. He took great pleasure in showing us his work while laughing his wonderful infectious laugh.

While Ryan set up the kitchen and the bar, J helped me lay the tables and we got to know each other. He told me all about his love of aeroplanes and his plans for his next birthday party. It sounds like it’s going to be a whole lot bigger and better than this one! He even brought his pet tortoise in to meet me and have a stroll around the marquee! I had so much fun having J around while I was working. He really is a joy!

On the day of the party we arrived to serve a hog roast and desserts for nearly 100. As guests arrived we served Champagne and wine as well as having a selection of other drinks at the bar, all provided by the family. After a while of mingling guests took their seats and J’s father invited people to the buffet.

The buffet was a classic hog roast with stuffing, homemade apple sauce and brioche buns. Alongside these were buttery new potatoes, pasta salad, fresh salad and coleslaw. Everyone really enjoyed and many came for seconds! For dessert we laid the buffet table with whole (sliced) salted caramel cheesecakes for guests to help themselves. People dug in straight away and for both courses we were showered in compliments. While the food was being served we were also checking tables for wine top ups or anything else we could do for people.

As people finished we cleared away plates and glasses and kept tables as clear and tidy as possible. When the food service was finished J’s father did a speech. This was followed by a speech by J himself which absolutely stole the show and the hearts of everybody there. It is clear that he is an adored and respected member of the community and can make anybody who crosses his path laugh.

We served tea and coffee while people mingled for a while longer before heading for home. We tidied everything away and got everything out on the day so we were done for the marquee to come down the next day.

I really enjoyed my time getting to know J and we have already made plans together for his 30th birthday party and I for one cannot wait! What a breathe of fresh air and a joy to be around.

I’m looking forward to 2029 already!

Soph x