An English and Italian feast!

Last week took us to Kings Lynn Town Hall. Its hard to believe this is the first time we’ve ever worked in this beautiful historic building!

D & A didn’t want a formal sit down meal but instead opted to have lots and lots of canapés and food boards brought out throughout the whole evening.

The couple chose food to represent both their nationalities, English and Italian. Representing the English canapés, the wedding party were treated to fresh cromer crab crostinis and beef with horseradish Yorkshire puddings. To represent the Italian side of the couple they went for mushroom arancini balls and cream cheese and tomato crostinis. These were streaming into the hall for hours and were going down a treat with the guests. At times we couldn’t even get much past the door before our serving boards were empty!

After a little break it was then time for another representation of each country. The next round was classic, very British fish and chip cones and the king of Italian food, Pizzas! These again were served casually around the room as the evening guests arrived and the party started. Serving pizza to real life Italians was a little nerve wracking! But we were assured by many of them that they were very good! The fish and chips went down a storm too!

To finish the night we laid out a beautiful large cheese table full of crackers, bread, breadsticks, cheeses and grapes. Somehow these people were still hungry and tucked straight into it!

It was great to be a part of D & A’s day, watching these two families come together and serving food a little differently to our usual. We definitely got our steps in for the day!

Wishing you both all the luck in the world in your future life as Mr & Mr.

Sophie x