A very special afternoon tea.

When you are asked to cater for a 40th wedding anniversary in the very room the couple wed exactly forty years ago to the day you can’t say no! What a wonderful, special day to be a part of.

On a very sunny Sunday we headed off to Kings Lynn Town Hall and set about organising afternoon tea for 102 people! Earlier in the week Tracy had packed up a huge array (but not all I might add!) of her vintage crockery. This stuff is absolutely beautiful! Collected over years and years from all over the country we love to dust it down and show it off!

The amount we needed to serve this amount of people filled a van! Trio’s of cups, saucers and side plates for every person, tea pots, milk jugs, sugar bowls, you name it. Cake stands, large serving plates, jam bowls, cream bowls. Not to mention teaspoons galore, butter knives, cake slices, do I need to go on?! I don’t think there are many people that can offer quite the amount of vintage crockery we can!

So we set about laying the tables. This is a huge job in itself when hosting an afternoon tea. Every single object is individually wrapped. Unwrapping them, matching the trio’s and laying them out is somewhere between a very fun game of match and the worlds most tedious job! But we got there eventually and the tables looked stunning.

The kitchen was all systems go, plating up the finger sandwiches chosen by the couple, S & C. They went for coronation chicken, egg and cress, cheese and pickle, and salmon and cucumber. Classics! Alongside this their other choices were chocolate brownies, Victoria sponge, pavlova and of course, scones! It wouldn’t be an afternoon tea without scones!

All of these were beautifully displayed on each table along with teapots, jam, cream etc, in time for S & C and all their guests to come through and sit down. Peoples faces told us they seemed pretty impressed!

We generally then left the gathering to their own devices. We made sure we were present for people to ask for top ups of things such as tea or jam. Once everyone was finished it was time for the mass clear up and clean! These things are so delicate to wash and dry, it scares me to even touch them!

We had a lovely afternoon helping S & C celebrate their special milestone and hope they enjoyed it too!

Sophie x